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Progress Report - 4 months as an Author!

One of the many great things about having committed myself fulltime to writing is that I get to call myself an author! After all, I have a book published and am about 80% done towards my second book. I’m not yet entirely confident answering the question, “What do you do?” with the answer “I’m a new Author” but I do it anyway. I’m not sure if there is any specific measurement of what makes an author and is it any different to being a writer?


I think early on I might have answered once or twice, “I am trying to be an Author” but having given up all the comfort of a significant income, I am truly committed to my new job description. Then again, am I truly an Author or have I become a marketing consultant? I have spent at least as much time marketing as writing over the last 4 months. It is an unavoidable necessity if I am to sell books.


I wish I was about to publish my first book REVENGE, as I would have been better prepared if I had spent 3 months marketing myself prior to launching my first book. Although I knew it wouldn’t be easy, I have to admit I thought it would be a bit easier than the reality. I am still happy with my decision as I would never have a second book in the pipeline so quickly if I was still doing my corporate job. I reckon I can write 2 thrillers a year, which means that in 5 years when I am 65 I will have 12 books hopefully providing me with something equivalent to a pension.


I wish I had started self-publishing years ago but of course I have to remember that it wasn’t possible just a few years ago. Having worked with technology for so many years it is really great to now be reaping the benefits of the technological changes of the last few years.


I have found many other authors to be very supportive and have tried in turn to help them. There can be conflicting advice but that’s okay. You have to adapt what you hear to your particular circumstances. The one important action everyone seems to agree on is to make sure we do something positive to promote our books every day.


I have also become aware of the importance of reviews and after a slow start am now investing time in swapping reviews with other Authors.


There is a real feeling of being part of a community when self-publishing. I have been surprised to still read of the many writers spending money with publishers, in order to get their book published, who don’t seem aware you can do everything yourself without spending a penny. (Other than perhaps for a cover if you don’t have a friend as I do.) The likes of Createspace and Smashwords make it possible for us to get our books published and available for people to read. Then the hard work begins!


Like most things in life this has been a real learning exercise. I feel much better equipped for publishing my second book, which will happen in about three months. I might have done a few things differently but I don’t regret for a moment my decision to self-publish. I have embarked on a great adventure. It’s not an easy ride but it has been great for my soul and I look forward to my first best seller!